Well, aside from long, dark hair, a couple of kids, our moms both had cancer, we both have BRCA+ diagnoses.We are a bit different in the fact that she has a BRCA1+ and I am a BRCA2+.
I have to admit. I have never been a big fan of Ang. The whole Billy Bob, blood in a vial.... She just always seemed weird to me. When the whole "Brad/Jen" split happened, I was totally on Jen's side and made me like her even less (Like anyone cares). Didn't like her. Didn't like her movies. Thought she was fake. Adopting kids from all corners of the earth- I thought she was just trying to change the public opinion of herself. Then the article came out that changed my mind. Angelina Jolie's op ed- Please read
I read the article and I felt sad for her. She had lost her mom and grandma at very early ages. I am proud of her for being tested so that she could be there for her kids. No matter if they are her's biologically or adopted, no one deserves to grow up with out a mom. My Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012. When she called me, I cried. I'm 34, but I didn't want my Mom to die ! Thank God, she caught it very early and is clear today, a year and a half later. She also gave us a gift- The ability to be tested for the BRCA mutation. Of the 5 girls in our family tested, 3 of us were positive.
When I was going back and forth about the surgery, THAT was the reason that made my decision. How silly if I decided not to have surgery and then eventually get cancer. Why would I take the risk of leaving my kids without a mom when there was something that I could do to prevent it ? Now, near the end of the surgical process, I can't believe that I even hesitated.
So, although I may not have millions in my bank account like Angie, we both do have our kid's best interest at heart. <3
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Do's/Don'ts and everything that I wish that I had known......
Ok. Here's a crash course on what to do before/during and after your surgery:
- Make sure that you have arrangements for yourself. You can not do this alone. I don't care if you are Wonder Woman. You can't do it. Be sure to have a ride home and someone to stay with you for a week or two. You will also need someone to drive you to and from weekly doctor's appointments.
- Make arrangements for kids and/or husband. Who's going to get the kids from school ? Can they stay with Grandma and Grandpa for a few days ? Maybe make a few meals and freeze for Dad to toss in the oven. Let school know that maybe the kids might miss a day of school or maybe their homework won't be on par because mom is going to be away for a few days. You don't have to be specific.
- Get laundry done and put away and get things set up for when you return home. If you are like me and see something out of place, you want to fix it. But you can't. Let it go !!!! It will be ok. I promise !!!
- Pack your bag for the hospital. I thought "I'll bring books, my Kindle, phone, paper, extra clothes, socks, etc. ". Guess what I used. My Kindle and my phone. I checked Facebook occasionally and email and called home a few times. other than that. I slept. The hospital gives you the gown to wear and socks, so just wear home what you wore to the hospital.
- I went grocery shopping before and bought everything you might need for a month. I also made sure to get some bland things that I like to eat, just in case you are not feeling great when you get home. The hospital has most of this stuff, so don't bother bringing your own.
- Graham Crackers
- Saltines
- Lorna Doones
- Pringles
- Bagel Chips
- Jell-o
- Pudding
- Make sure your husband or caregiver can do a multiple text or phone call to all those who are worried about you.
- How does it feel ? It is hard to get into a seated position from a reclining position. It is hard to twist and turn. Ask for help and you life will be so much easier !!!
- It may be hard to breathe. It feels very tight in your chest. You may feel like you are able to walk around for a bit, don't overdo it !!!
- Follow the exercises that the nurses give you about flexing your feet and be sure to get your heparin shots ! These will help keep you from getting blood clots.
- Listen to what the doctors and nurses say. If you don't feel like you will remember, ask them to write the instruction down or have your caregiver listen for you.
- If you have ANY questions, ask them ! Doctors and nurses have heard/seen it all. You are better off being embarrassed and having a direct answer than going home wondering.
- One thing that I did not know when I was going to have the TRAM surgery was that there would be drains in my pubic area. ACK ! Embarrassment city !!! I almost asked my doctor's assistant at my last appointment, but I was too embarrassed. They at least waited for me to pass out before they trimmed the hedges, but they also have 2 drains in that area, where they are constantly stripping, checking and showing to students. So basically, I am no longer ashamed about my body, since just about every single person on the earth has seen it by now. So, just be prepared.
- How does it feel ? The tightness has moved down more from my chest into my waist area. remember, the doc pulled all of that skin down and the area where the two areas come together is pretty tight. By staying on top of meds, you can avoid some discomfort. I also feel a lack of appetite or just a smaller appetite (not that I am complaining...) I am not sure if this is temporary, but I'll take advantage of it.
- The first time I looked at the mirror to see the "new me" I kind of freaked out. I looked like a penguin. I was really puffed up on top (rib-area) and I was super hollowed out in the waist area. I almost wanted to cry. I told my PS and he said that the swelling would go down and it would look better (P.S. It did go down and it does look better :).
- It has been almost two weeks and I still have both drains in the groin area and I can not wear underwear because it tugs on the drains. I just change pants everyday :)
- Just a warning- When the drains come out, they don't feel good. It is not horrible, but a very quick, sharp pain. Literally, it its over in a second. Nothing to stress over, but just a warning.
- Sleep when you can. Sleep when you can. Sleep when you can.
- If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call your doctor if you have a question or if something doesn't seem/look right. Any leakage, seepage, discoloration.....Call. Trust me. I have sent cell phone pics of a rash on my breast "just to be sure". (BTW- One and only time I have taken naked pics of myself with the phone). You will feel much better for them to say "Don't worry" rather than sit and stress about it.
- Some of your drains will produce different amounts of "stuff". It may be clear, cloudy, chunky, wormy, dark, light, just about anything. The color may be different too. One of mine is rosy colored, while the other one looks like it could be used on CSI for blood splatter. No joke. Just keep track of how much and what color the discharge is and this will help the doctor decide when to take out the drain.
- This is a long-distance race, not a sprint. Be prepared that things are not going to happen over night. Every morning you will wake up, you will be better than the day before. I asked my doc's assistant this week (day 8) when I would start feeling better or at least more like myself. She said that by next Friday (day 18), you will feel more like your regular self. Looking forward to that day !!!!
Friday, November 29, 2013
Whew. Life is rough. Sleeping and eating. LOL Of course, there is a lot more going on daily in order to care for everything. First, there are the "granades" or "JP Drains". Here's how to strip and empty your drains Your doctor or nurse will show you how to do this, but this is a good refresher (We never had gloves, we just used the alcohol wipes). For the first few days, I had my husband doing this, but at about a week later, I am doing it myself. (Go me !)
Showering: I invested in a hand-held shower before, so that seems to be the easiest for me to clean off. I can wash my hair quickly and quickly clean off all of the necessary areas with soap and water by sitting on the edge of the tub. I had a bad experience with staples and showers with one of my pregnancies, so I prefer to keep it is as dry as possible. I know that I don't have staples, but I am weird, ok ?
I did have a blister when I left the hospital and they did not really explain what to do with it. We finally called the doctor today and they instructed that we clean it well, use Silvadene cream and a loose fitting pad. After a few hours, repeat. Of course, if you have any issues, call your doctor immediately and follow their instructions.
Sleep: Sleep whenever you are able to ! Visitors will understand. Tell them to drop the Tupperware on the counter and you'll call them later. :) If they don't get it, just start nodding off and maybe they will start cleaning up for you. If all else fails, just come out and say it. "I'm really tired. Would you mind coming back next week when we can chat more ?"
My main piece of advice: Even if you think that you can do it, you shouldn't ! Your pain meds will give you false confidence. Yes, you will be able to do things like laundry and lift children, but it is not a good idea. This is your time to take it easy and let someone else have a turn.
Showering: I invested in a hand-held shower before, so that seems to be the easiest for me to clean off. I can wash my hair quickly and quickly clean off all of the necessary areas with soap and water by sitting on the edge of the tub. I had a bad experience with staples and showers with one of my pregnancies, so I prefer to keep it is as dry as possible. I know that I don't have staples, but I am weird, ok ?
I did have a blister when I left the hospital and they did not really explain what to do with it. We finally called the doctor today and they instructed that we clean it well, use Silvadene cream and a loose fitting pad. After a few hours, repeat. Of course, if you have any issues, call your doctor immediately and follow their instructions.
Sleep: Sleep whenever you are able to ! Visitors will understand. Tell them to drop the Tupperware on the counter and you'll call them later. :) If they don't get it, just start nodding off and maybe they will start cleaning up for you. If all else fails, just come out and say it. "I'm really tired. Would you mind coming back next week when we can chat more ?"
My main piece of advice: Even if you think that you can do it, you shouldn't ! Your pain meds will give you false confidence. Yes, you will be able to do things like laundry and lift children, but it is not a good idea. This is your time to take it easy and let someone else have a turn.
The aftermath
I woke up in my room, so I must have been on some good drugs ! I remember lots of ice chips and that I had a pump for meds, which I used as often as I could. :) So, other that that, the first day is a blur. I think that I actually felt like eating and ordered a sandwich, but when I smelled it, I pushed it away. I tried a little Jell-o, but that didn't turn out so well, either. I think that I just called it a night at that point.
Day 2 I can't believe how well I felt ! Of course, I am not going to do cartwheels, but, I was able to move a little bit. I was still hooked up to a catheter (YES !) so that saved me from having to have to go to the bathroom and I could just relax and sleep.
The nurse made me get up and walk with a walker to the end of the hallway. I thought. "No freaking way !", but being a good little patient, I flipped my legs around and miraculously, my legs worked ! I did my lap and did not die. It was a little tight breathing, but I did it.
Day 3 Today, she wanted me to walk longer and a few times, which I did. I even did it without the walker. I was off of my IV, and on some pain meds orally, so I was able to use the bathroom, brush my teeth, walk around the room. Still pretty tired, the meds made me sleepy and it is important to get the sleep when you are tired.
Day 4 Go Home Day !!!!! The kids and hubby came to get me to go home. I had an extra pillow to go between my tummy and the seat belt. I got home and headed straight for my recliner. My trusty recliner has been through a tough pregnancy, numerous surgeries and now this. We bought a cover and my husband put some nice, cushy blankets over the top, so we could wash them if something gross made its way on to the blankets (We're practical, OK ?).
Day 5,6,7....... Nothing really stands out other than taking my meds, sleeping, waking up, eating, going back to sleep. As the days go on, the amount of sleeping decreases. I can walk around just fine. Going to the bathroom is fine, until, well, you know, #2. It is hard to bend in the way to clean properly. Either ask for help or use a wet wipe or cloth.
Day 2 I can't believe how well I felt ! Of course, I am not going to do cartwheels, but, I was able to move a little bit. I was still hooked up to a catheter (YES !) so that saved me from having to have to go to the bathroom and I could just relax and sleep.
The nurse made me get up and walk with a walker to the end of the hallway. I thought. "No freaking way !", but being a good little patient, I flipped my legs around and miraculously, my legs worked ! I did my lap and did not die. It was a little tight breathing, but I did it.
Day 3 Today, she wanted me to walk longer and a few times, which I did. I even did it without the walker. I was off of my IV, and on some pain meds orally, so I was able to use the bathroom, brush my teeth, walk around the room. Still pretty tired, the meds made me sleepy and it is important to get the sleep when you are tired.
Day 4 Go Home Day !!!!! The kids and hubby came to get me to go home. I had an extra pillow to go between my tummy and the seat belt. I got home and headed straight for my recliner. My trusty recliner has been through a tough pregnancy, numerous surgeries and now this. We bought a cover and my husband put some nice, cushy blankets over the top, so we could wash them if something gross made its way on to the blankets (We're practical, OK ?).
Day 5,6,7....... Nothing really stands out other than taking my meds, sleeping, waking up, eating, going back to sleep. As the days go on, the amount of sleeping decreases. I can walk around just fine. Going to the bathroom is fine, until, well, you know, #2. It is hard to bend in the way to clean properly. Either ask for help or use a wet wipe or cloth.
This is IT !!!!!
Finally. I was within a week of the surgery. I had let school know, made plans for the kids, packed my bag. Filled all of my prescriptions. I thought that I was ready. Maybe. I have to admit, I did have a moment (or two) where I thought about the "what-ifs". Do I need to make out a will ? Should I write out a list of songs and readings that I liked for my funeral? I knew that it was silly, I just remember hearing about people my age who die from blood clots after surgery or something weird and I didn't want to be unprepared. But then I just said to myself "Self, you are being silly. There is nothing that you can do about surgery. You are going to knocked out. You aren't doing any of the cutting, stitching or anything. The only thing that you CAN do is follow the directions from the docs and nurses after". And that is is exactly what I am doing. BTW- I didn't die, just in case you were wondering ;)
Ok. Let me back up a bit and go over the surgery, hospital, blah, blah, blah......
The day has arrived. All of the planning, waiting, hoping, dreading, crying, worrying has come to an end.
I was scheduled to be at the hospital at 6am. Since I live an hour away, I was pretty darn tired. I knew that I would sleep most of the day anyway, but my husband was going to be exhausted ! I checked in, they called me right back and I got all dressed up in my beautiful gown. Met with the anesthesiologist, my breast surgeon came in a reassured me. Then my plastic surgeon came in. another awkward artist session, at least this time, I was a little numb in the breast area. :)
So, after my IV went in, off to sleep I went. I don't even remember going into the Operating Room like I usually do. So, for the next 5-5 1/2 hours, I was sleeping soundly without a care in the world. And then I woke up.
Ok. Let me back up a bit and go over the surgery, hospital, blah, blah, blah......
The day has arrived. All of the planning, waiting, hoping, dreading, crying, worrying has come to an end.
I was scheduled to be at the hospital at 6am. Since I live an hour away, I was pretty darn tired. I knew that I would sleep most of the day anyway, but my husband was going to be exhausted ! I checked in, they called me right back and I got all dressed up in my beautiful gown. Met with the anesthesiologist, my breast surgeon came in a reassured me. Then my plastic surgeon came in. another awkward artist session, at least this time, I was a little numb in the breast area. :)
So, after my IV went in, off to sleep I went. I don't even remember going into the Operating Room like I usually do. So, for the next 5-5 1/2 hours, I was sleeping soundly without a care in the world. And then I woke up.
The "S" Word
Ok....... It's been long enough. I have been waiting it seemed like forever to get this surgery over and move on with my life. My doctor and I had discussed two possibilities: Mastectomy with implants and a TRAM Flap surgery. (Here's some more information about the TRAM FLAP surgery).
My doc said I was just on the edge of the weight recommended for the TRAM surgery, so, unless I could lose a little weight, we would probably go with the straight implant surgery. I thought that I would do what I can and see what happens. I tried to watch what I ate a little bit and started walks around the neighborhood, But I just couldn't lose any weight. I figured that I was destined to go implants.
My Mom and both sisters went with the implants and were happy to choose what breast size they would ultimately be. My Mom and one sister went straight to implants, while my other sister did expanders. She said that it was uncomfortable, but not horrible. I wasn't really looking forward to going in every few weeks or month and tweaking it (Bad memories from braces !).
At my next appointment, my doc did the measurements, head tilt and grabbed at my fat again. He said no problem, we can do the TRAM and I could be C, just like I was after the reduction. YEAH !!! I knew that it was going to be a tougher surgery, but I would be happy with the results after it was over. Even if I was slightly slimmer, I would be happy. I couldn't get any fatter, right ?
My doc said I was just on the edge of the weight recommended for the TRAM surgery, so, unless I could lose a little weight, we would probably go with the straight implant surgery. I thought that I would do what I can and see what happens. I tried to watch what I ate a little bit and started walks around the neighborhood, But I just couldn't lose any weight. I figured that I was destined to go implants.
My Mom and both sisters went with the implants and were happy to choose what breast size they would ultimately be. My Mom and one sister went straight to implants, while my other sister did expanders. She said that it was uncomfortable, but not horrible. I wasn't really looking forward to going in every few weeks or month and tweaking it (Bad memories from braces !).
At my next appointment, my doc did the measurements, head tilt and grabbed at my fat again. He said no problem, we can do the TRAM and I could be C, just like I was after the reduction. YEAH !!! I knew that it was going to be a tougher surgery, but I would be happy with the results after it was over. Even if I was slightly slimmer, I would be happy. I couldn't get any fatter, right ?
Subtraction before addition
So. The reduction. I have had several surgeries throughout my life, so I wasn't too worried about the surgery. This surgery should only take an hour or hour and a half, so no big deal. I have to say, the most embarrassing part of the whole thing was when my ps came in to the pre-op room and drew all over my body with a sharpie. My husband was watching and I am soooooo ticklish !!! OMG My body probably looked like a drawing that my 3 year old did. I felt like I was on Nip/Tuck, but I'm not hot. LMAO.
After surgery, I elected to stay for the evening, and went home the next day. At first, my boobs were ROCK hard ! They were really hard for quite a while. They felt like I was breast feeding again. I actually followed my doctor's orders and took it easy for about 6 weeks, then went back to work. I would say that I was feeling like myself after 3 weeks or so, but I enjoyed the "free" time anyway, just to be sure.
Can I tell you how exciting it was to actually fit into my clothes again ? You know, those ones that have a place in the back of the closet for when "You lose a little weight" although that have occupied that corner for 3 years ? I pulled those out and they fit ! They FREAKING fit !!!
Ok. I am 5'2 and I have been wearing DD+ bras since having my kids. Just because I could wear a medium shirt because it fit my waist, my giant boobs would make me have to buy an XL blouse. Then, the shirt hangs off of my and I look like I am wearing a garbage bag.
So I could finally bring back clothes into my rotation and everyone compliments me "Is that a new sweater ? Did you lose weight?" It's awesome !!!
After surgery, I elected to stay for the evening, and went home the next day. At first, my boobs were ROCK hard ! They were really hard for quite a while. They felt like I was breast feeding again. I actually followed my doctor's orders and took it easy for about 6 weeks, then went back to work. I would say that I was feeling like myself after 3 weeks or so, but I enjoyed the "free" time anyway, just to be sure.
Can I tell you how exciting it was to actually fit into my clothes again ? You know, those ones that have a place in the back of the closet for when "You lose a little weight" although that have occupied that corner for 3 years ? I pulled those out and they fit ! They FREAKING fit !!!
Ok. I am 5'2 and I have been wearing DD+ bras since having my kids. Just because I could wear a medium shirt because it fit my waist, my giant boobs would make me have to buy an XL blouse. Then, the shirt hangs off of my and I look like I am wearing a garbage bag.
So I could finally bring back clothes into my rotation and everyone compliments me "Is that a new sweater ? Did you lose weight?" It's awesome !!!
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