- Make sure that you have arrangements for yourself. You can not do this alone. I don't care if you are Wonder Woman. You can't do it. Be sure to have a ride home and someone to stay with you for a week or two. You will also need someone to drive you to and from weekly doctor's appointments.
- Make arrangements for kids and/or husband. Who's going to get the kids from school ? Can they stay with Grandma and Grandpa for a few days ? Maybe make a few meals and freeze for Dad to toss in the oven. Let school know that maybe the kids might miss a day of school or maybe their homework won't be on par because mom is going to be away for a few days. You don't have to be specific.
- Get laundry done and put away and get things set up for when you return home. If you are like me and see something out of place, you want to fix it. But you can't. Let it go !!!! It will be ok. I promise !!!
- Pack your bag for the hospital. I thought "I'll bring books, my Kindle, phone, paper, extra clothes, socks, etc. ". Guess what I used. My Kindle and my phone. I checked Facebook occasionally and email and called home a few times. other than that. I slept. The hospital gives you the gown to wear and socks, so just wear home what you wore to the hospital.
- I went grocery shopping before and bought everything you might need for a month. I also made sure to get some bland things that I like to eat, just in case you are not feeling great when you get home. The hospital has most of this stuff, so don't bother bringing your own.
- Graham Crackers
- Saltines
- Lorna Doones
- Pringles
- Bagel Chips
- Jell-o
- Pudding
- Make sure your husband or caregiver can do a multiple text or phone call to all those who are worried about you.
- How does it feel ? It is hard to get into a seated position from a reclining position. It is hard to twist and turn. Ask for help and you life will be so much easier !!!
- It may be hard to breathe. It feels very tight in your chest. You may feel like you are able to walk around for a bit, don't overdo it !!!
- Follow the exercises that the nurses give you about flexing your feet and be sure to get your heparin shots ! These will help keep you from getting blood clots.
- Listen to what the doctors and nurses say. If you don't feel like you will remember, ask them to write the instruction down or have your caregiver listen for you.
- If you have ANY questions, ask them ! Doctors and nurses have heard/seen it all. You are better off being embarrassed and having a direct answer than going home wondering.
- One thing that I did not know when I was going to have the TRAM surgery was that there would be drains in my pubic area. ACK ! Embarrassment city !!! I almost asked my doctor's assistant at my last appointment, but I was too embarrassed. They at least waited for me to pass out before they trimmed the hedges, but they also have 2 drains in that area, where they are constantly stripping, checking and showing to students. So basically, I am no longer ashamed about my body, since just about every single person on the earth has seen it by now. So, just be prepared.
- How does it feel ? The tightness has moved down more from my chest into my waist area. remember, the doc pulled all of that skin down and the area where the two areas come together is pretty tight. By staying on top of meds, you can avoid some discomfort. I also feel a lack of appetite or just a smaller appetite (not that I am complaining...) I am not sure if this is temporary, but I'll take advantage of it.
- The first time I looked at the mirror to see the "new me" I kind of freaked out. I looked like a penguin. I was really puffed up on top (rib-area) and I was super hollowed out in the waist area. I almost wanted to cry. I told my PS and he said that the swelling would go down and it would look better (P.S. It did go down and it does look better :).
- It has been almost two weeks and I still have both drains in the groin area and I can not wear underwear because it tugs on the drains. I just change pants everyday :)
- Just a warning- When the drains come out, they don't feel good. It is not horrible, but a very quick, sharp pain. Literally, it its over in a second. Nothing to stress over, but just a warning.
- Sleep when you can. Sleep when you can. Sleep when you can.
- If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call your doctor if you have a question or if something doesn't seem/look right. Any leakage, seepage, discoloration.....Call. Trust me. I have sent cell phone pics of a rash on my breast "just to be sure". (BTW- One and only time I have taken naked pics of myself with the phone). You will feel much better for them to say "Don't worry" rather than sit and stress about it.
- Some of your drains will produce different amounts of "stuff". It may be clear, cloudy, chunky, wormy, dark, light, just about anything. The color may be different too. One of mine is rosy colored, while the other one looks like it could be used on CSI for blood splatter. No joke. Just keep track of how much and what color the discharge is and this will help the doctor decide when to take out the drain.
- This is a long-distance race, not a sprint. Be prepared that things are not going to happen over night. Every morning you will wake up, you will be better than the day before. I asked my doc's assistant this week (day 8) when I would start feeling better or at least more like myself. She said that by next Friday (day 18), you will feel more like your regular self. Looking forward to that day !!!!

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