Day 2 I can't believe how well I felt ! Of course, I am not going to do cartwheels, but, I was able to move a little bit. I was still hooked up to a catheter (YES !) so that saved me from having to have to go to the bathroom and I could just relax and sleep.
The nurse made me get up and walk with a walker to the end of the hallway. I thought. "No freaking way !", but being a good little patient, I flipped my legs around and miraculously, my legs worked ! I did my lap and did not die. It was a little tight breathing, but I did it.
Day 3 Today, she wanted me to walk longer and a few times, which I did. I even did it without the walker. I was off of my IV, and on some pain meds orally, so I was able to use the bathroom, brush my teeth, walk around the room. Still pretty tired, the meds made me sleepy and it is important to get the sleep when you are tired.
Day 4 Go Home Day !!!!! The kids and hubby came to get me to go home. I had an extra pillow to go between my tummy and the seat belt. I got home and headed straight for my recliner. My trusty recliner has been through a tough pregnancy, numerous surgeries and now this. We bought a cover and my husband put some nice, cushy blankets over the top, so we could wash them if something gross made its way on to the blankets (We're practical, OK ?).
Day 5,6,7....... Nothing really stands out other than taking my meds, sleeping, waking up, eating, going back to sleep. As the days go on, the amount of sleeping decreases. I can walk around just fine. Going to the bathroom is fine, until, well, you know, #2. It is hard to bend in the way to clean properly. Either ask for help or use a wet wipe or cloth.

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