***Attention*** This is not for everyone and not every surgeon will suggest this, just my personal experience :)
After a few consultations with my plastic surgeon, we discussed options about surgery. I have had 3 kids and had "National Geographic" boobs. AKA "Fruit Roll Up" boobs. Basically, you gather them up and shove them in a giant bra. They contort and somehow come out in a round-ish shape. So, since they were "sizeable", my nipples hung down quite a bit and wouldn't look right if they were to clear out the tissue and reconstruct them to a smaller size. If I wanted to save my nipples, I would have to have them removed during surgery, placed elsewhere on my body (under arm, stomach area)and then have it reattached once things had healed a bit. This could go off with out a hitch (worked for my Mom and one other sister). However, there were some things that could happen.
1. The skin could reject it and it could die.
2. There could be a lack of blood supply and it could die.
3. I would be a "Barbie" for a time until the nipples were reattached, not to mention, I would also have udders. LOL
We scheduled the surgery for the "Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy" and I started to prepare for that (mentally and physically)...
Then my doctor had an idea. What if we did a reduction first ? It would give me an idea of the "end product" size, They could put the nipples in the final position, so we could avoid that procedure later, it was also give me a little more time to get myself into shape since my boobs were going to be smaller, they couldn't hide my my "mommy gut" as much anymore. One of the biggest advantage if that it gets rid of excess tissue, making the final surgery shorter and the blood flow is increased, which will help in the tissue healing and less chance of necrosis (tissue loss).
Well, at first I was like. "Really ?" I had already told my boss I needed time off, got the kids arrangements all squared away, now this ? AND, if I did do the reduction, that means another surgery and having to wait another 3 months until I could through with the "BIG" surgery.
What to do, what to do..... As much as I really wanted this OVER with, I called my breast doc and asked her opinion. She said flat out, it was my decision, but if it were her, she would do it this way. OK, so I decided that this makes sense and I would suck it up and have the second surgery because it would look the best in the long run.
So, I called my Mom and my sisters and...... they hated the idea. I bawled my eyes out. It was so hard to make this decision, and I felt like I was on my own. I tried to remember all of the positives that the doctors had said and I thought for sure that by telling my Mom that Dr. K had recommended it that she would support me. I was feeling really down, but I figured "This is my body and I don't have to do what everyone else wants me to do". I do highly value what others have to say, but when did they go to medical school ? So, I went along with the scheduled date and had the reduction, as planned.
Once I explained the advantages of doing the reconstruction, they were on board. I am soooooooooo happy that I did the reduction first. The results are wonderful ! I will not need to do any further surgeries to "touch up" any scars or to have nipples placed or tattooed. All of the nurses at the office comment on how great my breasts look. I was very surprised, but the doctors did not have to cut around the nipple during the TRAM flap surgery, they just cut along the same line as the previous surgery. It is six months later and the scars have almost faded around my nipples. I would definitely recommend doing both surgeries if you are able to and your doctor recommends it. I am very pleased with the results !!
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