Saturday, December 20, 2014

One year later.....

So, it had been over one year since my mastectomy. When I decided to have the surgery, I thought for sure that by this one year mark, I would have put all of this behind me and moved on with life. Unfortunately, it has not been that easy. This year has been very difficult. Emotionally, physically, financially.... This year has been very rough. I know that I should be happy that I have greatly reduced my chances of getting cancer. Don't get me wrong, I am VERY happy to have that on my side ! But it has been a struggle for me to try to stay positive and see the good in all of this mess.

Would I have the TRAM Flap surgery again ? That's a tough question. I know that what has happened to me this year could not have been predicted. No one could look at me and say "Your muscles suck, don't do this." LOL So, rather than dwell on the negative, I try to see the positives of this situation.

1. I think that having the surgery has helped me to take better care of myself. I am never going to have another chance to get a tummy tuck, so I need to be more careful about what and how much I eat. I would love to exercise, but I have been afraid to do anything because I don't want to irritate the muscles or make them pop even worse.

2. My family is amazing. Of course, I already knew this, but you really depend on others when you are in this situation. You have no other choice. My husband was there with me every step of the way. Taking me to appointments, making me take pain meds when I tried to tough it out, keeping the kids quiet so that I could nap, urging me to go see the doctor when I didn't want to admit that there was something wrong. My kids are great too. They have really grown up and been a great help. Having my parents close was also a huge help. Picking kids up from school, babysitting during surgery and appointments- I couldn't have some it without them !

3. YOU are your own advocate. If you feel like something is wrong, do not let it go ! You know yourself better than anyone. If you feel like something is off or doesn't look right, talk to your doctor about it. If you don't get the answers that you are looking for, ask for another opinion. I learned that you can't be worried about hurting someone's feelings. This is your body, your health and you are in control. Don't let anyone talk you into doing something that you are not comfortable with and don't take no for an answer if you think that something is not right. You are important ! Don't diminish how you feel or your opinion.Trust your gut. If something is bothering you, tell someone or keep asking questions until you get an answer.

4. Do your research. I thought that I had done my homework before having the surgery. I had read just about everything on the internet about TRAM and basically thought that I could perform the surgery. Ask questions. Talk to others who have had the surgery. Read blogs and books by others who have been through this. A doctor or nurse can give you an idea of how recovery will go, but they have not lived through it.

5. Sometimes things will not go as planned. That's ok, you just have to figure out what's going on and make a plan to get through it. I was pretty naive to think that things were going to go 100% perfectly and I would be fine after a month. Everyone is different and recovery will vary, but expect some bumps in the road. If things go as planned, awesome. If not, you will not be so discouraged.

6. Maybe all of this happened for a reason. I am a true believer in this one. If my experience helps one person, that's a win for me. It makes all of this crap a little more bearable. I hope that someone, somewhere finds this information useful.

So, would I do it all over again ? Yes. I would. This cruddy one or two years of my life is worth knowing that I am safe. If I had not had the surgery, I would live in constant fear and that is no way to live. Would I have a TRAM ? That one is a little tougher to answer. I would have the surgery, but I would ask more questions and I would be more persistent when I thought that something was wrong. It's easy to see all of this now, not so much when you are living it.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Wow..... It's been a while !

I just realized that I haven't posted in quite a while. Did you miss me ? :) I am happy to say that everything turned out well with the biopsy. No cancer !!! I have just been busy with kids and work and everything else that life wants to throw at me.

While I am so happy that there was no cancer, my breast surgeon saw me for a recheck and referred me to one of her associated to take a look at my abdomen. It is still quite lumpy/bumpy. She also sent me for a CT scan to see if we could determine what exactly was going on. I met with the surgeon and liked him immediately. He explained that my lower bulge was likely due to all of the trauma caused by the constant opening and reopening of that area. The muscle may or may not bounce back. So basically. I am stuck and just need to wait and see if it will repair itself. He was more concerned about my upper abdomen. Remember how I had that bulge right under my ribs ? The ER doc said cellulitis. My PS told me that it was fat/fluid. The new doc said that it was more likely a muscular issue. He thinks that it is most likely a hernia inside that keeps popping out when I strain or use the muscle. So what does that mean ? Another surgery. Seriously.

The doc plans on going in my original incision and then they will go up and work on the upper issue. He is going to go in there to see exactly what the problem is and stretch the muscle back or add mesh across my upper abdomen to strengthen the area. He is also going to check out the lower area and see what's going on there.

I kind of knew that this might be coming, so I am not totally surprised. Did I want to avoid it, yes, but I do not want to look like this any longer. I feel like it is shallow to say that I am not happy with how I look, but the reality is if I don't fix it, it will get worse and this will have to be done eventually.

So, that's where I am at. Fun times :/