Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Torture. Waiting to hear from the doctor is pure torture. Every time the phone rings, I get a pit in my stomach, jump up, run to the phone, and then it is only a telemarketer. Ugh. The nurse from the biopsy said that it usually takes 2-4 days for the results to come back from pathology. Of course, that puts me into next week. She said that I would probably hear something by Friday, so I am waiting on pins and needles. Trying to remain hopeful, but also trying to be realistic. I can't wait to get the phone call so that I can stop worrying about what might be, but will that turn into a whole new thing to worry about ? Feeling stressed, hopeful, hopeless, confused, nervous, sad, optimistic, and pessimistic. Hope that I can sleep tonight :/

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